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3Com FEM656B-Based CardBus Fast Ethernet Adapter (Generic) 1.50.5000.7

3Com FEM656B-Based CardBus Fast Ethernet Adapter (Generic) 1.50.5000.7

3Com FEM656B-Based CardBus Fast Ethernet Adapter (Generic) Publisher's Description

3Com FEM656B-Based CardBus Fast Ethernet Adapter (Generic): The 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN+56K Modem CardBus PC Card includes advanced features, intelligent operation, and reliability that only 3Com can provide. This easy-to-use product offers simultaneous LAN and modem access, full-duplex 10 and 100 Mbps performance, Parallel Tasking II performance, V.90 56K modem technology, and more.

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